Tips for Women Returning to the Workforce After a Divorce

For many divorced women, the idea of returning to the workforce can present a challenging prospect. 

It is likely that you will be competing for positions with people in a situation much different than your own. They may be younger, they may be recent graduates, they may be more familiar with networking and the interview process. They may have chosen this path while you feeling like you don’t have any other options. 

Whether you are divorced, recently divorced, receiving spousal support or child support, or getting nothing at all, your situation is unique. It is likely that you already feel excess stress and pressure and now you have to apply and interview for jobs as well! 

Feeling overwhelmed would be natural for anyone. 

Depending on how long you have been out of the workforce, things may look very different than they did when you left leaving you unsure of where to even start. 

How do you even land a job after a gap in your employment history?


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The Importance of Self-Care During Divorce

Divorce can be a very stressful time in your life. And unfortunately, this stress has a ripple effect that can impact your former spouse, your children, your friendships, your work performance, and your health.  

A divorce can mean a significant change in lifestyle or the need to make difficult decisions, things that are not easy at the best of times. Add to that increased stress, heartache, and even depression, and things start to look and feel even worse. 

While it might seem impossible, or like a distant priority, looking after yourself is paramount in these trying times. 

This is why we have put together this list of simple actions you can take to practice self-care and ensure that you are as calm, happy, and healthy as possible. 

In periods of emotional turmoil and stress, self-care tends to be one of the first practices to go out of the window. 

Unfortunately, failure to look after yourself is not an option. 

Self-care is more than a...

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Steps for Finding the Best Child Care for Your Family in Colorado

Finding and choosing a child care provider for your family can be a difficult task. You will need to look at a number of factors to ensure that your child will be safe and able to thrive. Do you choose a daycare center, a family daycare, or an in-home daycare provider? What type of programming is available? How much will it cost?

It can be hard to even think about placing your child or children in the care of someone but sometimes life doesn’t allow for any other option. 

In Colorado, we are lucky to have a great program called Colorado Shines that rates early learning programs for children but there are additional steps you should be taking to help find the proper fit and the safest, most secure child care environment.

Here are some steps that can help guide you in your decision-making process:

Step One: Decide What Type of Child Care Program Your Family Needs

There are many different child care providers available in the state of Colorado. 

Some options will be...

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Divorce and Your Finances: 8 Tips for Being Prepared

Getting divorced creates emotional stress.  One major area of stress is money.  Divorce can result in significant changes in lifestyle and financial security. 

Emotions already run high around the subject of money, but they can be even more sensitive when you are in the midst of a divorce. Any decisions you make during a divorce will impact your future, so it is important to try and reign in your emotions during this time.

There are a few things you can do to better prepare yourself and your finances for life after divorce.  Here are 8 tips to help you separate finances and keep things calm and level during the process:

1) Learn how the divorce process works

The more you know about what to expect in the dissolution of your marriage, the better prepared you will be to handle it.  In Colorado, the divorce process can be complicated, involving strict timelines to perform required steps, and paperwork you may not understand.  The decisions you make have...

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Best Ted Talks About Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a lonely, isolating time. You may be feeling embarrassed to admit that you are struggling, you may be looking for support or guidance, or you may need to know that you are not alone in your experience.

We understand. And we want to help you connect with the resources that can help you move forward and live your best, happiest life. Creating a connection with someone who has gone through a divorce can alleviate some of the stress and mental health struggles, making you feel less alone and isolated. 

If you are reluctant to speak with a friend or family member about your divorce, it may help to watch another person speak openly about their own experience, be it professional or personal. 

TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Talks are a great way to immerse yourself into a deep discussion about divorce, and emotionally connect with the subject, without leaving yourself feeling too exposed. You can explore the TED website to learn more...

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Can Family Therapy Help Your Family?

Family therapy is a variation of psychotherapy that supports the whole family unit rather than each individual on their own.   

Family counseling or therapy can benefit those that are struggling emotionally, combatting stress, anxiety, and a general sense of dysfunction. It is helpful for families struggling through changes including divorce.  This type of therapy helps families move past their struggles and learn individual and group skills for coping with inner and outer stressors. 

Seeking therapy does not mean that something is “wrong” with you or your family, in fact, it is one of the most important steps in the healing process!  If you are wondering whether or not your family should attend therapy, this guide can help you understand the process and make the right decision for all of you!

Reasons Your Family May Seek Therapy

There are a number of circumstances that can make your family great candidates for therapy. Here are some of the...

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How Divorce Works in Colorado

If your marriage is ending, or you are ready to take the steps necessary to end it yourself, you are more than likely looking at options for how to divorce. 

In Colorado, the dissolution of marriage is a relatively straightforward process. You can obtain a lawyer, seek mediation, or you can file to end your marriage on your own.

Whatever your choice is, we are here to help. This article will break down the process of divorce in Colorado so you can determine if pro se representation is the way to go.

How to get a divorce in Colorado

Colorado is a no-fault divorce state, and, as a result, you are able to petition for divorce whenever you want to, and you are not required to provide a reason for doing so. 

You may prefer to complete the divorce proceedings without the help of a divorce attorney. If you choose to petition the court for a divorce without an attorney, you must determine if you and your spouse are petitioning the court for a divorce together, or alone.

There are...

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Advantages to self-representation in Colorado divorce and child custody cases

At Untie the Knot, we understand that representing yourself in a divorce and custody case, which is also called appearing pro se, may seem intimidating. You can do it, and we can help.  Even if your divorce involves child custody, know that you can always represent yourself in front of a judge. In this article, we will outline the ways that self-representation can be beneficial and successful.

Reasons to represent yourself in divorce and family court

In family court cases, like divorce or custody cases, appearing pro se can save you money.  With the support of Untie the Knot, you’ll find that pro se representation will be carefully and thoughtfully explained.  You will understand how to fill out paperwork for your divorce filing and how to speak in court.

If you decide to represent yourself in court, know that you have to stay calm in high-pressure situations and that you will need to fulfill court obligations, just like a lawyer would.

Here are some of the...

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